Coevolución en el sector de agencias de viajes Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Hernández Calderón, Joao Alejandro


  • The most recent theories about imperfect market analysis are focused in dynamic organizations studies’ through time, which enables them to determine evolutions or changes of firms and their environment. Coevolution belongs to this group of studies and it proposes simultaneous evolution between enterprises and their environment, which is not a result of casuality but of the existence of a causal relationship among them. In this frame of coevolution, this dissertation claims to show its existence in travel agencies sector, by finding relevant changing factors in it and its enterprises through turbulence and market forces analysis and showing their causal relationship.

publication date

  • 2015-06-19


  • Coevolution
  • Market Forces
  • Strategy
  • Travel Agencies
  • Turbulence

Document Id

  • 7ec4b23a-93fc-492c-b77e-ba7d3fc6a0c5