Capacidad y Potencial de Exportación de Pulpa de Fruta Congelada de Colombia a Estados Unidos entre 2008-2012 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Tamayo Montenegro, Nidia Marcela


  • Among other goals, some organizational objectives are aimed to compete internationally. But it is not an easy decision to take. In order to do that it is necessary to consider a number of important elements that help to carry out foreign trade activities successfully. Otherwise it would make many mistakes so that the profitability and sustainability of the enterprise could be at risk. This study takes an approximate measurement of productive capacity and export potential that which Colombian companies have processed and marketed fruit pulps to United States. The aim is to provide an analysis of the market for fruit pulp, involving quantitatively the degree of financial asymmetry in the strategic sectors and the participation of exports in 2012. The methodology used in this investigation consisted on collecting specific data regarding issues of export, production and marketing of fruit pulp. Besides information on foreign trade was auscultated financial information data of some companies. Finally this information was taken to apply quantitative analysis that determines to sector financial asymmetry level, in the method AESE Structural Analysis of Strategic Sectors developed by Rivera, Hugo A. and Restrepo F, professors at Rosario University in 2008.

publication date

  • 2014-05-08


  • Export
  • Financial asymmetric
  • Fruit pulp
  • Performance
  • Quantitative analysis

Document Id

  • 7f5a9c20-3414-486d-94a5-cc16461a767a