El rol del juez administrativo colombiano:¿un actor influyente en las transformaciones del derecho administrativo y en el fortalecimiento del estado social y constitucional de derecho? Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Latorre González, Indira


  • The purpose of this research is to describe from the theoretical, how the models of State have been incorporated to Colombian administrative law in order to find the ideological referents that the administrative law judge can use in the decision making process. This study is part of the research that aims to contribute to the study of administrative law from the perspective of the role of administrative law judge as an advocate or critic of a particular model of State. The question that permeates this study is presented under the sentence of Otto Mayer “Constitutional law passes but administrative law remains that led to the present, raises the question about the reasoning of the administrative law judge at the time of the Welfare state.

publication date

  • April 15, 2013 1:26 PM


  • Administrative Law
  • administrative law judge

Document Id

  • 802ec819-88c8-47e1-b171-7d1376d23a2a