Estrategias de scanning en la dirección de empresas Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • González Quintana, William
  • Quintero Cubillos, Juan Carlos
  • Rojas Rojas, Edgar Enrique


  • The present study aims to identify what strategies they use scanning responsible for design management and business strategy. It starts from the fundamental fact that companies are immersed in an environment whose main characteristics at different levels of uncertainty and turbulence, which essentially prevents predict the outcome of the goals set from the address. The sample is represented by 20 managers from levels one, two and three companies from different sectors of the economy, based in Bogotá, Colombia, to which they were asked by an instrument in the frequency of activities performed scanning in different dimensions of the environment in which they develop their organizations, sources and tools of analysis and information processing. It was concluded that managers of sample scanning strategies used to explore the environment and largely agree that their perceived level of uncertainty in the environment low on average that process and analyze information. It was also corroborated in accordance with the theoretical framework that levels of perceived uncertainty at the firm level are at least 80% from the level defined as two alternative futures and level three is characterized by a range of futures.

publication date

  • 2012-03-09


  • Environment
  • Management
  • Scanning
  • Strategy
  • Turbulence
  • Uncertainty

Document Id

  • 80f0d369-de25-4a26-b78a-a09b50fec5fd