Atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001: Cambio en la estrategia contraterrorista de Estados Unidos entre las administraciones de George W. Bush y Barack Obama Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ibarra Pacheco, Amira Paulin


  • This research work proposes an approach to the change of the counterterrorism strategy of the United States after the 9/11 attacks in both the George W. Bush and the Barack Obama administrations. The present work analyzes the existence of factors such as the intensification and diversification of the terrorist threat of Al-Qaeda, the diferrence between the ideological guideline of George W. Bush and Barack Obama and the implementation of specific strategies such as the creation of the Homeland Security Department, contributes to the change of the counterterrorism policy in the United States. Furthermore, the present work offers analysis of the internal and international scenario, ideological guideline and the implementation of diverse counterterrorism strategies in Bush and Barack Obama administrations.

publication date

  • May 5, 2017 7:11 PM


  • Al-Qaida
  • Counterterrorism
  • Homeland security
  • Ideological guideline
  • Terrorism

Document Id

  • 8313a523-e461-4812-84c9-97dcba458cf6