Teleradiología: Un desafío para la especialidad en Colombia como estrategia para la mejora de los servicios de salud Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Cerinza Suescun, Diana
  • Ortiz Forero, Gloria Marcela


  • The purpose of this document is to outline an overview of teleradiology in Colombia. From a bibliographical-analytical review of scientific documents, a general definition of teleradiology, its importance for telemedicine, its advantages, scope and costs is established. The investigations reviewed show that teleradiology represents a technical, economic and service advance, since it is more efficient, cheaper and with greater coverage. Although the reduction of costs depends on the protocol of each institution and the type of teleradiology required by the patient, the saving order is between € 3.38 and € 16.39 per service. In Colombia is between € 5.14 and € 60 according to the required diagnostic modality being this the approximate value of the gloss generated by the insurers for not having a radiological report, without this being the most significant because the adequate And timely attention to the patient along with a successful medical diagnosis will always exceed these costs, which is why the practice of Teleradiology should be considered within the resolutive care of patients. In Latin America, teleradiology is recent, so it is necessary, in the beginning, to disclose the benefits that this modality offers to patients, doctors and institutions and extend their coverage to benefit the health system and the patient.

publication date

  • 2017-10-05


  • Costs
  • Coverage
  • Opportunity
  • Telemedicine
  • Teleradiology
  • benefits

Document Id

  • 83574e70-a6bb-4bf0-9ff4-fc36be523df8