Liderazgo ético como una coayuda para combatir la corrupción empresarial Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bohórquez Parra, María
  • Castañeda Ortíz, Juan


  • There are actually few researches and applications that have had ethical leadership, a concept that has taken force in organizations, being a key source of orientation towards workers. In the following writing it’s propose, to review some definitions proposed by great authors, also to see different studies over time to later give concepts, guidelines and applications of ethical leadership in organizations, to know if it affects or benefits the relationship with workers. Finally, we analyze how the ethical leadership can be a co help factor in the fight against the corporate corruption.

publication date

  • 2017-05-26


Document Id

  • 83c05bc9-138d-49c3-9e4c-394c0090e37d