El papel de India frente a la persecución etnico-religiosa en Tíbet durante 1960-1966 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bermúdez Murillo, Doris


  • Persecution taking place in Tibet since the arrival of the communist regime has generated a dispute in the middle of the western society face the hostile policies against the Tibetan ethnic group. However, the systematic violence and what is considered by many as genocide, is used as a strategic tool in foreign policy. In this case, this paper analyzes how the issue of Tibetan refugees in India, their struggle and complaint at the international level is an opportunity at the beginning of the 60s, to create international pressure against the PRC, searching for the maintenance of national security (Indian case), plus a greater status and prestige.

publication date

  • 2009-02-26


  • Persecution ethnic-religious
  • Prestige
  • Refugees
  • Threats
  • Vulnerabilitites

Document Id

  • 84765c29-a62d-4ab9-911b-a719886bb18a