Caracterización factores asociados con caídas de pacientes adultos hospitalizados en una institución de alta complejidad, Bogotá D.C. Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Juridy Viviana
  • Rojas Ruiz, Ingrid Tatiana


  • Introduction: Falls are a hospital risk and are an indicator of quality of care. For the Joint Commission in 2008, falls were the fifth most reported event. Objective: To characterize the patients, who had falls, associated factors, circumstances and time around the event.Methodology: A retrospective exploratory descriptive quantitative design, we included 135 cases reported to the patient safe institutional program during 2010. 57 variables were analyzed by characterization of associated factors, factors inherent to the patient, circumstances associated with the event and the consequences and management. Additionally we evaluated the time to fall through survival analysis.Results: A higher proportion of falls 54.1% in male patients, consumption of non-diuretic antihypertensive and diuretics in 25.9% of cases. 48.1% of cases had no access to the ring. Additionally, the night shift showed concentration falls and trauma patients had soft tissue in 57% of head trauma cases and in 41.5%. It was found in the analysis of time until the submission of falls per inpatient hospital units difference between emergency and the fourth floor of hospitalization (p <0.000) and the eighth floor of hospitalization (p = 0.001).Conclusions: The reporting of falls allows knowing the profile of the patient suffering from this event at University Hospital Staff, identifying possible factors. It is essential to continue research in this line, since they can positively impact patient safety.

publication date

  • 2011-11-01


  • Falls
  • Hospital
  • Injuries
  • Risk Factors

Document Id

  • 85983d07-9f6e-4a78-8f38-d3c409935eb1