Perdurabilidad empresarial pymes con apuestas diferenciales : caso de estudio Anfora Ltda. y Anfesa SAS Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Morales Jiménez, Michael


  • For over a millión of enterprises that actually exist in Colombia, 99% of them are considerated as micro, small and medium enterprises, a big deal with this estructure is althougth year after year the creation of new companies is higt as well the morbidity is. The business success and stability trough time is an important subject that worries the academy, the government and the enterprises themselves. The possible explanations about the perdurability of some enterprises, the weak life of others and the failure of many is the subject that is being investigated. The Rosario University has been focused in knowing the determining factors for an enterprise to be perdurable and trough the perdurability investigation group have accomplished to identify thirteen the perdurability components of an enterprise in the national context. From the carry out of case studies like the one that is proposed in this project, we expect to recognize the current functioning of the national SME’s and identify which factors are necessary for the SME’s to continue being successful trough time. Via surveys, interviews and documents important information was obtained about the SME’s with differential strategies: Anfora Ltda and Anfesa SAS; with the purpose of stablish which components were in the enterprise and which ones had most importance, comparing the results with the theory that rounds the thirteen components of the enterprisal perdurability.

publication date

  • 2013-07-05


  • Enterprise Morbidity
  • Perdurability
  • Perdurability Components
  • SME’s

Document Id

  • 8617dbac-1560-45c4-977c-5a3901c0b881