Incidencia de la política minero-energética sobre la tenencia de la tierra en el Caquetá (2002-2014) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Díaz Parra, Karla Yubranny


  • The present case study begins analyzing the process of occupation and dispossession of land in Caquetá, whit the aim of show legal and illegal encroachment historical forms, which has allow the consolidation of an inequal and violent power structure. On this inequal and violent stage is been highlighted how the implementation of miner-energy policy is the result of a negociation process between enterprises and rulers, whit the objetive to recreate new spaces over which would be posible reproduce the dynamics of capitalist accumulation, delving, by the way, inequalities, marginalization of peasant population and the violence in the territories where settles such strategy. This anylisis is frammed, mainly, from the perspective of Saskia Sassen on the Corporative State and the perspective of David Harvey about the new forms of capitalism.

publication date

  • 2015-09-10


  • Accumulation and land tenure
  • Capital
  • Emptying

Document Id

  • 8882ca1d-8687-41e5-a320-ce548dea8ade