Una perspectiva de las teorías de la emoción : hacia un estudio de las implicaciones de las emociones en la vida del hombre Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Hernández Zambrano, David


  • This thesis proposes that emotions are a relationship with the world that involves judgments and beliefs of the subject who experiences them. While it is true that the human body can be considered a product of evolution and, in general, all of its functions need the support of that body, when we speak of emotions we must talk about their connection with the character, with the will, with value scales, and many other phenomena that cannot be explained only from a physiological perspective, given that emotions are an essential variable for social organization and, more specifically, for morals. Emotions are defined, therefore, as a series of judgments, based on priorities and value scales, which describe and mediate our relationship with objects in the world.

publication date

  • 2010-01-20


  • cognition
  • emotion
  • moral responsibility

Document Id

  • 8982f20c-fa03-4e8d-825d-79192dfeab37