Estilos de liderazgo y su relación con los niveles de optimismo de los colaboradores, en entornos culturales de países suramericanos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Avella Cubillos, Diana


  • The leadership’s studies within a business context have been developed to achieve business sustainability, to generate wealth, to achieve the expected success, to value human capital, talent and existing resources, etc. However, there are still many aspects to be analyzed. One of them is to understand the concepts and the relationship between the optimism, leadership’s style and cultural differences among countries. On the other hand, neither there is enough evidence about the impact of leadership styles on followers and organizations according to the culture, to understand the relationship between those variables. The article that is presented is based on a conceptual review of different leadership types; transactional and transformational leadership, positive psychology, psychological capital (PsyCo) and optimism. Likewise, this article presents the different studies that have been performed about the relationship between leadership and the employees’ optimism to achieve greater and better results. Finally, it presents a relationship of leadership in different cultures with low cultural distance against Colombia.

publication date

  • 2014-06-03


  • Culture
  • Leadership
  • Optimism
  • Positive Psychology
  • South America

Document Id

  • 89f3281f-b10e-423b-ae45-fd1b039edc25