Modeling and Simulation - The insight delivering tool for innovation Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Echenique, Daniela


  • The main purpose of this article is to comprehend the performance through the state of research of innovation to account for the characteristics of the findings on the criteria of modeling and simulation regarding the field.A literature review is the tool chosen for the collection of data and development of this paper. A search was established to identify the existing literature using modeling, simulation and innovation as key words. After a thorough revision it was identified that what has been written in the field may be classified in the following categories: diffusion; networks, collaborations and communities, and validation of models and simulation, thus the performance will be approached from these angles.Taking into account how researchers from different areas of knowledge implement them as helpful tools to grasp innovation processes, it becomes evident in this paper that modeling and simulation have implications as an insight delivering tool by contributing to a comprehensive approach of how autonomous various uncertainties of a complex system are ultimately inter-reliant. This paper fulfils an identified need to understand the characterization that modeling and simulation have given to the field of innovation up to date.

publication date

  • July 25, 2017 1:36 PM


Document Id

  • 8a3e4073-a695-468f-aa45-cc53757c1bec