Herramientas digitales de mercadeo, financieramente viables, para pequeñas y medianas empresas en la realidad empresarial colombiana Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Martínez Ramírez, Jonathan Alexander
  • Medina Villegas, Laura


  • This article intends to give a general description of the different digital marketing tools and strategies currently known and propose their use for innovation, growth and entrepreneurship of small and medium enterprises in a technological environment that is advancing by leaps and bounds with financial challenges and limitations in contexts of great organizational and competitive complexity. Based on this exploratory and descriptive research of the different digital tools and strategies resulting, 5 recommendations will be developed with the purpose of contextualizing them to the Colombian business reality taking into account socio-cultural and economic aspects such as security, the culture of the people around the use of electronic platforms and the lack of technological coverage on the different economics levels.

publication date

  • 2017-07-10


  • Advertising Banners
  • Digital marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Relational marketing
  • Small and medium businesses
  • Target Group
  • Viral Marketing

Document Id

  • 8eaeb993-cccc-48a8-8f61-77f28ea25340