Riesgos de los liderazgos sociales de las mujeres en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano: configuración de un problema de política pública. Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Barreto Daza, Sandra


  • This research presents a dissertation on how risks that female social leaders face within the Colombian armed conflict become a public policy problem. For that, the political role of these women is interpreted, as well as the power relationships and the identification of windows of politic opportunity that have opened the possibility of including this problem in the Ministerio del Interior agenda with the purpose of the development of a Program of Warranties for Female Leaders. Interviews and focal groups were conducted to eighteen female leaders in Sucre, Antioquia, Nariño, Cundinamarca and Bogotá D.C., in which case most of them are threatened or work in conflict zones. Additionally, three advisors of key entities in the debate of such public policy were interviewed. In general, it was identified that female leaders fulfill an intermediation role between the Government and their communities, and they are pursued because of the reputation they have earned in territories where governability is weak and where illegal armed groups remain. Unlike men, these women face specific risks related to a patriarchal culture, expressed through violence in the context of the conflict, also giving priority to the male voice in the public domain. This has been the main argument that women have taken to insist on the necessity of a specific public policy line that approaches such particularities. The discussion remains in agenda phase despite the aggravation of aggressions to leaders in the last three years, therefore the strategy of incidence of these women must encompass different government sectors and the speech should be binding to the implementation of the Peace Agreements.

publication date

  • 2017-08-22


  • Armed conflict
  • Female social leadership
  • Public Policy
  • Threat
  • Windows of politic opportunity

Document Id

  • 8ef93278-406d-4369-b2e1-f276eca35c8b