Aplicación en Colombia de la responsabilidad internacional agravada del Estado por violaciones graves a Derechos Humanos Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Figueroa Bastidas, Gabriel Ernesto


  • As happens in international regimes -SIDH- Regional State responsibility and where a distinction between international wrongful acts and violations of jus cogens is made, the possibility of applying the internal regime of State responsibility arises the aforementioned aggravated international responsibility , in specific cases of serious human rights violations, howsoever necessary to establish the aforementioned distinction of imputation of the damage to the state in such cases.

publication date

  • 2015-03-19


  • State Responsibility
  • human rights
  • ius cogens

Document Id

  • 929e60ea-3373-4895-b6d6-a1c6a3601caa