De lo micro a lo macro prudencial: Un análisis de la supervisión bancaria desde la econometría espacial Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Ordóñez Herrera, Juan Sebastián


  • The crisis that erupted in the mortgage market in the United States in 2008 and managed to spread throughout the financial system, demonstrated the level of interconnection that exists between public sector entities and their relationships with the productive sector, leaving highlighted the need to identify and characterize the systemic risk inherent in the system, so that in this way regulators seek both individual as overall system stability. This paper shows, through a model that combines the power of information networks and their suitability for an auto regressive (panel type) spatial model, the importance of incorporating the micro-prudential (proposed Basel II) approach, a variable that captures the effect of being connected with others and making a macro-prudential analysis (proposed Basel III).

publication date

  • 2014-05-22


  • Macro-Prudential
  • Micro-Prudential
  • Network Externality
  • Spatial Econometrics
  • Systemic Risk

Document Id

  • 92a04976-68f4-4484-a549-a22c487c247d