Estereotipo, prejuicio y discriminación hacia la mujer en el contexto laboral Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Camacho Castañeda, Claudia
  • Martínez Villegas, Johana Alejandra


  • In order to identify symmetries in stereotypes, prejudices and forms of discrimination associated with women labor in the Latin American context, thirty empirical studies were analyzed. Those studies were published from 2005 to 2015 at journals contained in Redalyc and Psicodoc academic data-bases. To identify the symmetries we elaborated a matrix which contained the following categories: title, author, year, country, variables, objectives, type of research, instruments and results. The resulting information was described, and we concluded that despite the efforts for including women in the labor force as equals, the prejudices, stereotypes and discriminatory behavior are still present in this context.

publication date

  • 2016-06-17


  • Discrimination
  • Employment context
  • Gender Stereotyping
  • Latin America.
  • Prejudice

Document Id

  • 938018f6-8ddf-462a-a187-6131dca5dd1d