La influencia de la explotación petrolera en la (re)configuración territorial de Tauramena. 1990-2000 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Durán León, Gabriela


  • The purpose of this case study is to inquire about the influence of the oil exploitation in the territorial (re)configuration of Tauramena’s municipality. In order to do so this investigation elaborates the concept of (re)configuration from the points of view about the space proposed by Doreen Massey and Milton Santos. The investigation resorts on primary sources, composed mainly by the interviews to the inhabitants of Tauramera and field visits, and secondary sources such as bibliographical review and cartography. This methodology allows for the diagnose and development of the main variables that explain the configuration of the municipality: the migration and the royalties

publication date

  • 2015-04-21


  • petroleum
  • tauramena
  • territorial (re)configuration

Document Id

  • 9498199b-08b2-493f-9dbb-7768d6f50de5