Comparación de la percepción de calidad a través de la satisfacción de los usuarios del servicio de odontología en tres modelos de atención en servicios de salud Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Mejía Benavidez, Lina Maria
  • Ramos Vargas, Carlos Alberto


  • This paper presents the results obtained from the comparative study of the quality of dental service offered as the model of Obligatory Health Plan (POS), the Service Teaching (DS) model and the Private Consultation (CP). It is intended to demonstrate the perception of users regarding each model and satisfaction in the service received. In order to carry out the present investigation, the SERVQUAL instrument was used to determine the level of quality offered by the dental service, both the expectation and the received. In order to determine the perception of quality, factors such as reliability, reliability, responsibility, capacity and tangibility were taken into account, which will account for the conformity of users with the services received. According to this, it was evident that people from the CP model feel very satisfied with the dental service received, not so much people who go into a DS model and finally the people who are in the POS model; they feel satisfied only with some factors of the service received. With the obtained findings, some recommendations are made in the service offered in the POS and DS model; Since the study provides improvement tools for the quality management in the organizations to the extent that corrective actions and actions can be established that allow to improve the experience of patients.

publication date

  • 2016-12-12


  • Health Care
  • Patient Satisfaction
  • Percepción
  • Quality of Health Care

Document Id

  • 9704b230-fff2-42a8-87a4-2013630db2a9