Relación de los comportamientos de liderazgo y los niveles de resiliencia de los subordinados en una universidad privada en Medellín aporte fase 2 proyecto “Relación de los comportamientos de liderazgo y los niveles de resiliencia de los subordinados en organizaciones privadas” Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Agudelo González, Germán
  • Polo Parada, Juan Manuel


  • This project corresponds to phase II of THE EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR ON THE RESILIENCE LEVEL OF EMPLOYEES OF A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN BOGOTÁ (Espinosa, J. C. et al., 2015) doctoral project. This project was completed with the doctoral thesis that led to obtaining a Doctor of Management Sciences degree from Professor David H. Barbosa Ramírez. The Doctorate in Management Sciences considers that this must be understood based on three factors or principles: corporate reality, strategic thinking and leadership. The line of research in Organizational Behavior and Leadership aims to generate valid knowledge about organizational leadership and contribute to the construction of models that are more adjusted to current conditions. It is in this regard that one of its programs (Wellbeing and Quality of Life) aims to study the leader as a subject and leadership as a process within the framework of the well-being and quality of life of persons and their influence on the development, growth and endurance of organizations. There is empirical evidence that leadership styles influence the personal capacities of subordinates and, consequently, their behaviors, which affects their performance and the behavior of the organization. Psychological Capital is today one of the most studied constructs and is determined by the abilities of the members of an organization, abilities that in this construct are referred to as optimism, hope, self-efficacy and resilience. Workers with adequate levels of resilience are better prepared to handle stress and the changes that occur in the workplace, which in turn allows organizations to cope better with crises situations. The impact of leadership styles on resilience levels of subordinates is a relationship that should be studied from management, taking into account both the particularities of the aforementioned styles and their effects on employees, such as the role played by socio-demographic variables. The reason for the latter is because several studies show the particularities that depend on the cultural conditions of countries, regions and even areas in the same country. We propose a cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational study with predictive purposes. The first level will describe the leadership behaviors of managers by virtue of their behavior and the resilience level of subordinates of the different divisions of a private organization. At a later time it will be observed if there is a correlation, and in what context, between these variables. Finally, using multivariate analysis, it will be determined if the resilience level of the subordinates can be predicted from the leadership behaviors of the managers by taking into consideration their sociodemographic characteristics. The master's degree students will do their research within the framework of the project already indicated by choosing a University in the city of Medellin as the organization they will study.

publication date

  • September 6, 2019 3:22 PM


  • Resilience
  • Total range theory
  • Transactional leadership
  • Transformational leadership

Document Id

  • 9a79fcbc-e6cf-48eb-98ae-32e616c076ef