El régimen de propiedad rural como factor determinante en la concentración de tierra. Estudio de caso: Norte del Valle del Cauca (periodo : 1990-2005) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Prieto Merchán, Juan Sebastián


  • The objective of this case study is to identify institutional and policy variables that allowed the increase of the land concentration at the Valle del Cauca’s north caused by the land systematic dispossession during the time: 1990 to 2005. This work presents the economic and social implications imposed by the violence scene in a regional area. The Colombian State weakness and functioning of its institutions configured the determining factors used by the rebel’s military strategy. It is intended to provide a local vision to recognize the complexity and variety in the dynamics of land concentration.

publication date

  • June 9, 2015 7:14 PM


  • Abandonment
  • Dispossession
  • Land concentration
  • Valle del Cauca
  • Víctims

Document Id

  • 9a889817-6b9a-4be7-979e-6a2734a10d52