La difusión de los intereses brasileños en Colombia, en el marco de la diplomacia cultural. 2006-2012 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bernal Gómez, Daniela


  • The main aim of this study is to identify and analyze the mechanisms by which Brazilshaped and achieved it´s cultural foreign policy with Colombia; considering that thecontext country is decisive when putting into practice such a policy. For this reason, thetext will examine three mechanisms of “soft power” that Brazil has used to realice thispolicy, these are; the Embassy, the enterprise and civil society. When the Embassy plays arole like a hinge, this is so important because it permits the interaction between twocultures. This analysis will identify the approach process between Brazil and Colombia.Also this report will focus on the strategy that Brazil has in South America, to strengthenit’s power and become more attractive it´s yours neighbors. Whereby, the soft power theoryby Joseph Nye will be a theoretical will be the basis in this case study

publication date

  • April 29, 2014 1:04 PM


  • Cultural diplomacy and Foreign policy.
  • Soft power

Document Id

  • 9b430896-9303-460c-9a9d-704371af6ecf