Representaciones sociales de la medicina popular para el cáncer en pacientes, familiares de pacientes oncológicos y personal de salud Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Fernández Betancourt, Dominique
  • Fonseca Cárdena, Jessica Paola


  • The Social Representations are a series of social constructions carried out by a group of individuals, through which they give meaning to something, in this case to the Folk Medicine, about a disease of high prevalence in our country, Colombia, as it is cancer and that has a conventional treatment that simultaneously generates multiple side effects, but is the only means to control the disease, currently known. This qualitative study aimed to analyze the Social Representations of Folk Medicine for cancer in adult cancer patients, relatives and health staff, in which 31 people participated (10 patients, 11 relatives and 10 in the staff of health). An interview was made to each participant, which was then analyzed through thematic analysis and interpreted according to the theory of Social Representations. The results showed that the participants represent Popular Medicine as a synonym of home remedies. These practices are represented for patients and relatives of cancer patients, as a type of treatment in which various products must be ingested and as an alternative to fight cancer or control the side effects of conventional treatment. Additionally, it is seen as a threat of abandonment to conventional treatment by health staff.

publication date

  • 2017-12-05


  • Cancer
  • Family
  • Folk Medicine
  • Health Personnel
  • Patients
  • Social Representation

Document Id

  • 9b523994-eee5-4812-b04f-984b288064e2