Estudio prospectivo para la facultad de odontología de la universidad cooperativa de Colombia, sede Villavicencio, 2020 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Forero Escobar, Diana
  • Lesmes Correa, Julieth Nataly


  • The trends for Institutions of Higher Education, are part of increasingly unpredictable and changing environments. The advance in order to identify the different scenarios that can be seen facing these organizations, facilitates the understanding of possible futures. Therefore, the purpose of this research is based on a study that allows the construction of future scenarios for the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia in Villavicencio, with a time horizon to 2020. To this methodology based on the approaches of strategic foresight Godet (1997) was developed through three (3) stages: the Prospective Structural Analysis System cross-impact matrices and the proposed Stage bet. Finally, the study makes recommendations to the directors of the Faculty of Dentistry, regarding the construction of Stage bet catalogándose as a tool for strategic management and decision making.

publication date

  • 2014-08-27


  • Prospective
  • Scenarios
  • Strategy

Document Id

  • 9dc4e4b7-b0b4-4f20-8d07-abf37892c488