Propuesta de creación línea de investigación en administración en salud Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Arzayus Gaviria, Santiago
  • Giraldo Aristizabal, Juana Maria


  • The proposal to create a new line of research based on issues of Health Management,born of the need to extend the thematic basis given on this issue, since today the Universidad Del Rosario has four specializations and a master degree focused on Health Management.The project starts with a theoretical basis, based in the best business schools worldwidethat have in their approaches to Health Management. This allowed collect lots of information that would provide a basis to generate the research proposal. Following this, the analysis in master degree and specializations of Universidad Del Rosario focused on this topic, generating thematic review of these studies and their respective contributions were made. This in order to make a thematic comparison between business schools in the world and the study conducted by the Universidad Del Rosario, which would open the way to generate a thematic list for the proposal of the research.Once the theoretical basis and the revision of thesis made in the Master andSpecialization, it defined the proposal of the research which was established in two fundamental parts of research; Conception of the research and Construction of the line. Establishing, a name, a target, a hierarchy, one thematic proposal, some general guidelines defined and defined some work to be performed by members of the research. Thus concluding the feasibility of the creation of the research at the Universidad Del Rosario, given the required need.

publication date

  • August 1, 2016 3:19 PM


  • Business Schools
  • Health Management
  • Need required
  • Research Line
  • Theoretical basis

Document Id

  • a2750ebc-0bbb-4a97-b6af-59cfe0f5dab9