Inequidad y posición socioeconómica en la reproducción de la actividad física en entornos educativos. Análisis conceptual. Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Sierra Barrera, Héctor Giovanny


  • Objective: Analyze how inequity and socioeconomic status influence as a determining factor for the conceptualization of physical activity, from a conception of different social aspects which the conceptual analysis itself contribute to reconfigure the concept of physical activity.Methods: Exploring of scientific literature from the revision of the conceptual analysis of selected articles, using the categories of inequity and socioeconomic status to establish the influence of the concept of physical activity in educational environments. Therefore, starting from it, to interpret the reconfiguration of the concept of physical activity, from different conceptions associated with social factors. Results: Conceptions of different authors regarding the concept of physical activity. (Weight, race, body mass index, age). At the same time, different levels of influence were interpreted from inequity to socioeconomic status associated with occupation, gender, residence, academic level, and physical structure of the environment. Later on, results were reported from an explanatory analysis in which the conceptions of the authors are interpreted regarding the concept of physical activity, and how starting from it relations between inequity, socioeconomic status and educational environments, which include different social factors to finally being able to generate a clear concept of social reconfiguration due to the changing nature of human beings, due to social dynamics and the associations to health and social factors in daily living, are established. Likewise, is evidenced that the concept of physical activity is based on studies that put aside social aspects which influence the concept and, in consequence, the practice of physical activity. This is why this research establishes a starting point towards social reconfiguration of the concept of physical activity. Conclusions: Different organizations in the world recognize to the physical activity as a tool that favors the socialization of the persons. This is how physical activity, from the sport in the competitive field and the physical education to the educational field explore the social interaction of the individuals, this allows the construction of values and strengthens the healthy conviviality inside the communities. This transformation from the concept of the biomedical physic activity up to the physical social activity is evidenced in the documents researched, in which physical activity is studied from the categories of inequity and socioeconomic status. This is the starting point of its conceptualization involved in different concepts associated to the social determinant factors of health, which as a result, established a new concept of the social reconfiguration of physical education.

publication date

  • 2016-11-11


  • Inequity
  • Physical Activity
  • School Environment
  • Social Determinants
  • Socioeconomic Status

Document Id

  • a952779e-3775-4daf-81eb-1ba76be11ece