Procesos logístigos de la carga contenerizada y Ro-Ro en Panamá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bolaños Rondon, Antonio Lorenzo
  • Cortes Torres, Daniel Esteban


  • This graduation research presents the analisys of the logistic process of containerized and Ro-Ro load in Panamá, especially in the ports of Balboa and San Cristobal. Panamá has the biggest economic growing in Latinamerica thanks to its geographic position and the Panama Canal wich has given its globar recognition a an important financial and commercial center. Using the geographical position of Panama as the biggest active in the countrie, many ports around the entrances of the Pacific and Atalantic of the Panama Canal had been specialized in the management of containerized load, making of it a center of transshipment. For the development of this logistic activities of the canal, Pana counts with different public and private companies in charge of running efficiently all the logistic and port operations. In this work, we focused on Panama Ports Company (PPC), a world leader private company in investment, progress and port operations in countries of Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, América and Australia.

publication date

  • February 4, 2019 3:46 PM


  • Containerized
  • Latinamerica
  • Load
  • Logistic
  • Panama
  • Process
  • Ro-Ro

Document Id

  • b0e4519d-fd9b-4517-8040-25701a71e5c4