Pacientes-devotos : la relación de la medicina y la religión en el culto a José Gregorio Hernández en Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Guerra Niño, Laura Juliana


  • In the current work an analysis is made about how biomedicine and religion in the healing cults are framed around the figure of Doctor Jose Gregorio Hernández in the city of Bogota, as derived from the experiences lived by the men and women who seek his help, a population that is classified as patient-devotees. This is done by means of a case study which is that of the healing group led by Claudia, a Catholic woman who has been given, through Jose Gregorio Hernández, the power to intercede in favor of the health of those who may need her/his assistance. In the first part it is presented, from the therapeutic itineraries that these individuals build, the way in which they link the scientific structure and the religious structure within this particular cult, and in the second part they explain how this type of spaces, like medical-religious scenarios, emerge and consolidate thanks to the opposition relationship that the patient-devotees maintained with allopathic medicine when they went through a state of sickness. Thus, the link that is woven between conventional medicine and religion, from the experiences of this group of subjects, takes place within a link of power and cooperation.

publication date

  • September 12, 2017 8:47 PM


  • Biomedicine
  • José Gregorio Hernández
  • Religion
  • patient-devotees

Document Id

  • b5eb8421-769b-4dab-8456-c9ecbe14c253