J.A Osorio Lizarazo y Gaitanismo : mediaciones políticas y literarias Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Cuervo Ulloa, Andrés


  • Describes and analyzes the political and literary relations, focusing on the similarities and differences between the movement and political discourse led Jorge Eliécer Gaitan, and narrative and intellectual history as José Antonio Osorio Lizarazo. The writer and political appear within an intellectual and political field that showed his impact on the lives of both, making them converge on common causes and separating them at different times in the country's history from the late twenties and the outcome of Bogotazo.

publication date

  • 2013-11-28


  • Intellectuals
  • J.A Osorio Lizarazo
  • Jorge Eliécer Gaitan
  • Politics and literature
  • Sociology of culture.

Document Id

  • b75ddd8b-7946-4bcd-b904-39951ceac4de