¿Pueden pensar las máquinas? Una evaluación del problema de la inteligencia artificial mediante el equilibrio refractivo Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Uribe Cerdas, Orlando Enrique


  • On this paper I will present a way to understand “thought”, that is to build a definition of it, that could be applied to other minds. The case of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to be my main example, but the criterion that I am proposing is broad enough to include any other kind of objects or beings, with criterion that goes beyond our first-person experience. For this, I will first show how when studying AI the main arguments given for and against their ability to “think” is not an exploration of their capabilities but rather a mere contrast with the human experience of thinking. After this I will show how the reflective equilibrium could be presented as a tool to define “thinking” in a way that would enable us to judge the ability to think of any object from a wider perspective. Finally, I’ll posit that when we consider the possibility of other minds it would be more meaningful to ask “How do machines think?” rather than “Can machines think?”

publication date

  • 2012-12-14


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Pther minds
  • Reflective Equilibrium

Document Id

  • b7fc16a9-7bc9-4cd0-ba96-b634c07ccdc5