Efectividad de tres protocolos de vacunación contra brucelosis bovina en hatos lecheros de la Sabana de Bogotá. 2009-2016 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Barrera Estrada, Nilgen
  • Gallo Castro, Eliana Mireya
  • Rodriguez Zorro, Maria Camila


  • Introduction: Bovine brucellosis is known as a zoonotic, contagious disease, caused by Brucella spp, which has a negative effect in the milking herds production. The prevention measures are done through massive vaccination, followed by constant diagnosis and disposal of positive animals. In Colombia, the vaccination is mandatory for all the female calves between 3 and 8 months of age, with the following approved protocols: A. 19 strain once in life in female bovines, B. Strain RB51 in female bovines followed by strain RB51 6 months after the first vaccine, and C. Strain 19 in female bovines followed by strain RB51 6 months after the first vaccine. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness between those three protocols in milking herd which belong to the certification program of farms free of the diseases in the Bogota´s Savannah and the relationship between other attributes with sanitary repercussion. Methods: Based in a simple random sampling where 66 cows selected for the protocol A, 66 for the protocol B and 69 for the protocol C, with this subjects was made the review in the diagnosis files for the disease in that time. Results: For the protocol A and C the effectiveness was 100%, whereas the protocol B was 94,2% [IC 95%, 88,68%- 99,72%], p=0,035. It was found that positive diagnosis by competitive ELISA in cows is associated to open herds p=0,004 RR 4,25 [IC 95%: 3,31- 5,64]. The incidence rate was 8 cases per each 1.000 bovines in a year. Conclusion: Those findings are consistent with the reported results in studies from other countries and indicate that the strains and protocol vaccination against brucellosis bovine are equally effective to prevent the disease.

publication date

  • 2018-04-20


  • Bovines
  • Brucella abortus
  • C19
  • RB51
  • Vaccination

Document Id

  • b86f11c1-9c81-402e-8a88-30d942283cfd