Factores de riesgo desencadenantes de patologías comunes y laborales en conductores de carga en una empresa transportadora de hidrocarburos en Colombia 2016 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Ovalle Izquierdo, Ingrid Nathalia
  • Sotelo Zalamea, Luis Daniel

external tutor

  • Briceno-Ayala, Leonardo
  • Briceño Ayala, Leonardo
  • Conde-Sierra, Juan Vicente
  • Varona Uribe, Marcela Eugenia
  • Varona-Uribe, Marcela


  • INTRODUCTIONIn Colombia and throughout the world, freight transport personnel are numerous, and an important group for the economy of each country because of its demanding work, therefore, it is very important and necessary to think about improving the conditions of the work place of the Conveyors, to prevent illness or injury and to control risk factors. The conditions of work of the load conductors must be determined in order to avoid possible musculoskeletal injuries, respiratory, auditory, cardiac or accidents when performing tasks, in order to improve their quality of life. Today, some of the risks associated with cargo drivers are exhaust fumes, noise above permissible levels, vibrations, variable temperatures, hazards arising from nature, cargo carried, Nature, bad postures, badly designed jobs and bad eating habits, among others.OBJECTIVETo identify the risk factors triggering common and labor pathologies in cargo drivers in a hydrocarbons transport company in Colombia 2016MATERIALS AND METHODSA cross-sectional study carried out on 102 cargo conductors at a hydrocarbons transport company in Colombia 2016. Sociodemographic, labor, clinical variables and some paraclinic variables, such as electrocardiogram and lipid profile, were included. For statistical analysis, frequency distribution and measures of central tendency and dispersionRESULTSThe age range that predominates in this group of workers is between 41 to 45 years (25) 24% of the total group. 70.6% (72) of the population belong to stratum 2. 78% (80) of the workers reported not consuming alcohol, and 22% (22) reported consuming occasionally. 82% (84) of the workers reported being sedentary, while 18% (18) reported routine physical activity, a percentage of risk when considering risk for cardiovascular diseases. When performing the workers' body mass index; 16% (17) were found at normal level, 57% (59) were overweight and 25% (26) were obese, none of them reported morbid obesity.CONCLUSIONSThe inactivity is related to the problems of weight of the conductors and that although a low percentage of the conductors does some type of physical activity is not enough to control their weight or the physical activity that they realize is insufficient, therefore this will be the main risk for future cardiovascular, metabolic and musculoskeletal diseases. It is important to implement an assessment and follow-up program for physical activity and active pauses and an ergonomic workplace.

publication date

  • 2017-01-24


  • Chronic disease
  • Health prevalence
  • Occupational
  • Risk factors

Document Id

  • b9a7abf7-26f7-45a5-83fd-693cb304e10b