El discurso sobre la victimización de la mujer afgana como estrategia y justificación para la permanencia de las tropas estadounidenses en Afganistán (2001-2013) Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Romero Zuluaga, Carolina


  • This research aims to demonstrate that the main US strategy to justify its intervention and time in Afghanistan has been the speech. Where two phases can be identified over the past decade. Initially explaining why United States was obligated to attack Afghanistan due to national security and the international war against terrorism, years later, this speech was criticized both domestically and internationally. Therefore the issue of the status of women in Afghanistan becomes more important and thus through the various pronouncements and exposure, both governments (George W. Bush and Barack Obama) try to unite national and international public opinion to favor the need for american troops to remain in the territory.

publication date

  • 2015-03-24


  • Afghan women
  • Afghanistan
  • Islam
  • Pashtunwali
  • September 11 of 2001
  • Speech
  • Taliban
  • Terrorism
  • United States
  • Women

Document Id

  • ba445351-90b0-405b-a716-ed4be30b13a4