Vida y muerte empresarial, estudios empíricos de perdurabilidad: empresas saludables caso de estudio : Mario Hernández (Marroquinera S.A.) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Caicedo Meneses, Ana
  • Londoño Camacho, Sergio Arturo


  • Business perdurability refers to the way in which companies remain over time and how they are able to face the everyday adversity of the competitive market within which they move. For the University of Rosario –particularly for the Group of Corporate Sustainability Research (GIPE, by its Spanish acronym), is fundamental knowing those internal and external characteristics that enable companies to survive over time. This group has proposed thirteen components for business perdurability, such as those essential drivers to lasting success. “Lorenz Butterfly” is an award given to companies that have achieved success over time, have settled down into the market, and become key drivers of continuing change. This global initiative is the starting point from which Marroquinera S. A. seeks to make an overall analysis of its components: direction (leadership and strategic thinking), and management (marketing, finances, human resource administration and processes). Conducting surveys aims to contrast the reality of this particular company against the theory formerly indicated.

publication date

  • October 20, 2011 1:50 PM


  • Business perdurability
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Marroquinera S.A
  • Strategic thinking

Document Id

  • c159f030-65d6-44bd-a84b-0a1ee1502f89