Manejo de cardiomiopatia chagasica : revisión sistemática (1996-2010) Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Acero Torres, Diana
  • Portela Ramirez, Leidy Johanna
  • Rodriguez Celis, Nury Fernanda
  • Rojas Rojas, Mónica María

external tutor

  • Rodriguez, Daniel


  • Chagasic cardiomyopathy is the most important and severe manifestation of chronic disease, patients may present heart failure, arrhythmias, and heart block, thromboembolism and sudden death. The diagnosis is delayed, because it can be confused with cardiopathys of other etiology and management are made based on guidelines and protocols directed toward treatment of heart failure from non chagasic etiology. METHODOS: A systematic review was made, the aim was answer the following clinical questions. QUESTION 1. The current management for Chagas heart disease (beta blockers, ACIE, ARA II, Diuretics, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, statins, and antiplatelet drugs) which is extrapolated from the management of heart failure of non chagasic origin has an impact on the quality of life, survival, security, hospital stay and decreased number of hospitalizations, improvement of symptoms in adult patients with Chagas cardiopathy?. QUESTION 2. In patient with Chagas cardiomiopathy the use of trypanocidal drugs improves survival, quality of life, security, hospital stay and decreased number of hospitalizations, improvement of symptoms in adult patients with Chagas cardiopathy?. QUESTION 3. In patients with Chagas cardiomiopathy the use of defibrillators improves survival, quality of life, security, hospital stay and decreased number of hospitalizations, improvement of symptoms in adult patients with Chagas cardiopathy?. QUESTION 4. In patients with Chagas cardiomiopathy the use of pacemaker improves survival, quality of life, security, hospital stay and decreased number of hospitalizations, improvement of symptoms in adult patients with Chagas cardiopathy?. QUESTION 5. In patients with Chagas cardiomiopathy the use of heart transplantation improves survival, quality of life, security, hospital stay and decreased number of hospitalizations, improvement of symptoms in adult patients with Chagas cardiopathy?. Searches were made in: MEDLINE, Cochrane Collaboration, Trip database, and other important databases from 1996 to 2010, restricting the search. Studies were selected according to criteria of relevance PICO and quality was assessed using the methodology recommended in Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. RESULTS: 21 studies, including systematic reviews and randomized controlled clinical trials, clinical trials, cohorts and case controls studies were founded. These studies met the inclusion criteria. DISCUSSION: In this systematic review provides a consolidated of the available evidence on the effectiveness of the following interventions. Beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, PDE, Digoxin, nitrated derivates, defibrillators, pacemakers and heart transplantation in Chagas heart disease patients. A lot of studies founded have low evidence.

publication date

  • 2010-09-11


  • Chagasic cardiomyopathy
  • treatment

Document Id

  • c5141835-7424-4e8d-867a-039738db0c49