La experiencia de los receptores en el trasplante de órganos y tejidos Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Fuica Prieto, Simone


  • The organ/tissue transplantation is considered a viable therapeutic option for the treatment of both chronic and terminal stages, and for non-vital affectations, which produce a decrease in health-related quality of life, perceived by the patient. This multidimensional procedure is composed by three main actors: the donor, the organ or tissue, and the receiver. While a significant percentage of the investigation and intervention plans have revolved around both the biological dimension of transplantation and the donation promotion; an interest for the psychosocial experience and quality of life of the receptors in this process has increased over the last decade. In this regard, this paper has as general purpose the exploration of the experience and the meaning generated by the transplant patients, through a systematic review of the literature on this subject. For this aim, specific objectives were established, then keywords were selected by each of these, and a systematic search was performed in 5 databases: Ebsco Host (Academic Search, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection), Proquest, Pubmed, and Science Direct. From the results, it is stated that further exploration of the experience of these patients is still necessary; and this exploration devoid of purpose if is not done through the narrative or testimony from receptors themselves.

publication date

  • 2014-11-28


  • body image
  • gift-exchange
  • organ transplantation
  • psychological outcomes
  • psychotherapy
  • receptors
  • sense of life
  • tissue transplantation

Document Id

  • c6d713b9-e1ef-478d-bd42-c617e09a4554