Análisis de las variables que inciden en la eficiencia de la gestión clínica en el área de consulta externa Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Barajas Sepúlveda, Fabian


  • The efficiency in the clinical management of general practitioners is a mainstay in the control of health resources and can make a positive impact in reducing unnecessary costs in the system. An analytical study in which a cross-sectional survey designed to identify key variables that can influence the decision making of general practitioners in Bogota IPS, and applied to 20 medical is done. The results were compared with the current literature. Results were pooled with respect to the most relevant variables such as health professional relationship, and medical cost organization; relevance in referral to specialists, drug and laboratory formulation, undergraduate training in health administration, number of jobs, physical exhaustion, and finally, the influence of age and other variables described. The results showed a lack of awareness by physicians relative to control health resources that relate to poor referral of patients to specialists and formulation of exams without relevance. On the factors described above influence characteristics such as age of the physician, adherence to management guidelines, physical fatigue and patient characteristics. On the other hand a clear division between medical physician and directors, where there is no proper monitoring of their performance, not incentives to promote the delivery of high quality service, continuing education, or adequate compensation. Finally, those factors identified potential intervention strategies are planted by the IPS on the management of physicians, and thereby generate an adequate impact on resource optimization and improved working conditions.

publication date

  • June 9, 2015 4:54 PM


  • Clinical management
  • clinical variability
  • efficiency
  • health administration
  • health resource
  • medical physician
  • relevance

Document Id

  • c8e7bcde-db17-4508-9af4-8226c4d702cc