Evaluación de intervención de alertas para riesgo cardiovascular por diclofenaco en afiliados al régimen contributivo 2014 -2015 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Torres Rodríguez, Sandra

external tutor

  • Vallejos Narvaez, Alvaro


  • The aim was to evaluate an intervention with alerts in the diclofenac prescription. Observational study, comparative, post intervention, before and after, in patients with records of diclofenac prescription. The intervention of restrictive alerts was evaluated before and after that they were implemented in patients with diclofenac prescription and diagnoses of cardiovascular risk according to ICD-10 or over 65 years. 315. 135 transactions with diclofenac prescription were found, in 49. 355 patients’ average per month. The 94, 8 % (298. 674) of the transactions were prescribed by general physicians.

publication date

  • 2015-10-15


  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • diclofenac
  • pharmacovigilance.

Document Id

  • c908c0ce-d790-47be-8cce-35775e16a12c