Conflictos ambientales en ecosistemas de alta montaña. Estudio de caso Páramo de Ocetá Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Rueda Ardila, Carlos Alfonso


  • The development model highly dependent on both renewable and non-renewable natural resources, has resulted in environmental conflicts before, during and after obtaining and using these resources. Likewise, the alarms generated by the scientific, academic and civil community about the depletion in quantity and quality of renewable natural resources due to anthropic activities and their impact on the different ecosystems, wildlife and on the very survival of the human beings, led to generate a normative scaffolding that would shield ecosystems of special ecological importance through land uses that would guarantee the functionality of the ecosystem services provided by them. Thus, protected areas were created with land uses determined in some cases, obviating the fact that within these areas there are human settlements of ethnic, peasant and/or rural communities, whose customs and land uses may be contrary to the uses permitted in the protected areas. In that order of ideas, the present text aims to address the tensions between the lifestyle of the communities settled in the Ocetá moorland and the land uses allowed in this imposing place through the characterization of existing environmental conflicts, and from this, outline a proposal to address such conflicts from the administration, management and environmental justice.

publication date

  • May 6, 2022 8:03 PM


Document Id

  • d04ad472-c33c-4d71-998a-e316d8c65980