Lecturas, libros y tertulias : la relación diferenciada con los textos en los asistentes a dos clubes de lectura Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Galindo Bohórquez, Javier Fernando


  • This research started with the purpose of studying the social differentiated processes of constitution of reading experiences, not through statistics, but through cases and concrete situations. So that, I compared the reading practices of people with different life conditions, and material and symbolic resources. I analyzed the reading practices of the participants of two reading clubs (located in Bogotá and held at “Luvina” bookstore and public library “Gabriel García Márquez” or “El Tunal”). Also, I attended two empiric levels: first, the reading “in action”, during the meeting of clubs, and, second, the reading practices through the biographies of participants. The reading and discussion of texts in these two clubs allowed me to explore two different modalities of reading texts: one, scholar and pedagogical, and the other, free and hedonistic. On another hand, the reading portraits presented at the end examine the changes and difficulties that have experimented three readers through life in their relation to the texts. In conjunction with the portraits I presented some paradoxes or tensions that could be found in the research of reading practices at the level of the individual.

publication date

  • February 8, 2017 12:32 PM


  • Cultural practices
  • Hedonistic
  • Pedagogical
  • Reading
  • Reading club
  • Reading portraits
  • Scholar

Document Id

  • d0991390-ec8e-4501-850a-f38b0cfe9515