Análisis de los procesos de urbanización político- militares de las FARC - EP en el período 2000-2010 Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Acosta Güete, Camilo


  • In an effort to understand the urban side of the armed conflict between the FARC and the state, this work attempts to explain the complex processes carried out by that insurgent actor, precisely in the period where the military onslaught of the state is larger in the rural areas. Theory of protracted people's war is used to place the conflict within an academic spectrum to allow, in turn, build relationships that explains the peculiarities of the development of the war between these two actors.

publication date

  • February 12, 2014 1:48 PM


  • Democratic Security
  • FARC
  • Protracted people`s war

Document Id

  • da45a210-7ce5-4dbf-823b-6df079b0f69e