Análisis de la ayuda oficial al desarrollo. estudio de caso: programa conjunto de UNICEF y UNFPA sobre la mutilación genital femenina en Kenia (2008-2012) Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Rueda Urrea, Daniela


  • The interest of this case study is to analyze the Joint Programme of UNFPA and UNICEF on FGM/C in Kenya through a postcolonial perspective. Based on the idea that FGM is a manifestation of gender inequalities, it is argued that the JP reproduces the image of the Kenyan woman as a victim of male power. Due to this image the cultural order of the groups who follow this tradition is disrupted, affecting the logics of unity and cohesion of the society. The analysis of such dynamics can help to better understand the interventions of international organizations on the social structures of fragile actors in the international system.

publication date

  • 2015-10-15


  • FGM/C
  • Gender inequalities
  • Identity
  • Poscolonialism

Document Id

  • da60cbbb-5d2d-48d4-903d-1ecfeefaedac