Descripción de los casos de accidentes laborales ocurridos en una empresa manufacturera, 2010 al 2014 Thesis

short description

  • Postgraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Bastidas Cortes, Yury
  • Sotelo Rodriguez, Diana Milena


  • IntroductionBecause accidents of occupational origin occupy an important place within the causes of absenteeism , disabilities and even deaths describing the accident took place , taking into account factors such as the severity and type of injury , type of work activity , re accident occurred in a manufacturing company in the period 2010 to 2014 .Materials and methodsA descriptive study of cross section where the features were analyzed according to the workers and the company and associations were conducted to establish what the risk factors were to present re accident took place. The associated factors were age, gender and work area. The population was composed of 338 accidents reported by the company. The program was used for the analysis was the SPSS version 22.ResultsThe study found that the proportion of accidents during the period compared to the number of workers was 35.6% and 28.8% 950 workers had accidents that correspond to the 274 workers. The median age was 35 years and introduced more frequent in women (55.6%). The work area where most accidents occurred was the area of manufacturing (75.7%). The proportion of women who had more accidents in the manufacturing area if it represented a difference of 23.4% compared to the proportion of men who had higher accident in the same area. Regarding the type of injury, accidents occurred frequently in the upper limbs and by gender; women had more accidents 2.02% upper limbs compared to men. The analysis for re accident determined that 16.8% of workers had more than one accident and one worker presented five accidents in the period of time in the company studied, age was significantly related to the fact of presenting re accident.

publication date

  • 2015-12-16


  • Gender and accidents
  • Manufacturing
  • Occupational Accidents
  • Workers

Document Id

  • dc3832e8-c5e9-4c33-bf5d-2707b0a6bb0f