Estrategia integral de atención comunitaria para mejorar las prácticas en el cuidado de la salud de niños y niñas de la primera infancia víctimas de desplazamiento forzado el caso de la ciudadela Santa Rosa, localidad San Cristóbal, Bogotá Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Garzón Huérfano, Sonia Carolina


  • This intervention project seeks to examine the health situation of children in early childhood victims of forced displacement, who live in the Ciudadela Santa Rosa, an urbanization where significant detriments of social determinants are perceived, which demean the quality of life of the population that inhabits it and that therefore has an impact on their health.Due to the proportion and magnitude of the conflicts that the residents of Ciudadela live, this project becomes relevant because it constitutes a guide that reflects the state of the health of children, who are significantly affected by the expulsion of the territory of origin and the conditions of the Citadel that disturb their health. In addition, because parents or guardians of this population are forced to change their cultural, economic, social and food patterns that disadvantage their physical, mental and emotional health.The aim is to propose a strategy aimed at the local and district authorities so that, together with the residents of the city, an attempt is made to mobilize and mitigate the effects that disrupt the healthy growth of the child population. With this project, it is hoped to contribute in the construction of knowledge and to contribute to the definition of alternative solutions that will reduce the factors and risks of morbidity in children of early childhood victims of forced displacement.

publication date

  • September 20, 2017 1:23 PM


  • Early childhood
  • Forced displacement
  • Health
  • Social management

Document Id

  • e7b91ecc-cb06-4937-8f39-25fd6fe5c5d2