Alteraciones cutáneas de miembros superiores por exposición a agroquímicos en cultivos de arroz, departamento de La Guajira 2016 Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Sardoth Blanchar, Jainer

external tutor

  • Ibáñez Pinilla, Milcíades
  • Ibáñez-Pinilla, Milcíades
  • Varona-Uribe, Marcela


  • Introduction: the life, health and work of the farmer have their own peculiarities, styles and activities, their quality of life can affect is by expose is to substances chemical, making it in a work very risky. Objective: establish the prevalence of them alterations skin of members upper by exposure to agrochemicals in crops of rice. Material and method: study of cutting cross, population of 100 workers, located in area farm of Fonseca the Guajira, during the year 2016. Socio-demographic variables, employment is analyzed and related clinics. For the statistical analysis were applied tests of Shapiro-Wilk, Pearson Chi-square, measures of association with OR and their respective confidence intervals of 95%, multivariate analysis with an unconditional logistic regression, significance level of 5% (p < 0.05) for statistical tests. Results: the 98.9% were men, the ages ranged between the 18 and 83 years (average of 43.7 years). The 40.91% reported fumigating and the, 15.15% pay. Reported having rhinitis allergic the 21.2%, allergy eye 25.3%, asthma 16.41%, eczema on the hands 19.15% and hives or habones 17.95%; the 40.31% use herbicides, 8.77% fungicides, 35.09% insecticides, 14.04% fertilizer and 1.75% adjuvant. The unit is practically zero between the appearance of eczema and category toxic (p=0,021); R of Pearson (R=0,121; p=0,247) with positive correlation; not there is a relationship between the number of people with allergies skin and the toxicity (X2=2,271; p=0,518), the R of Pearson (R=-0,152; p=0,150). Conclusions: exposure to agrochemicals without the minimum conditions of safety and health at work, is related to the appearance of cutaneous alterations.

publication date

  • December 13, 2016 3:27 PM


  • Agrochemicals
  • Dermatitis by contact
  • Dermatitis professional
  • Dermatosis professional
  • Manifestations skin.

Document Id

  • e905d862-af0b-43d4-b20e-2e6c34589505