Acciones de promoción de la salud organizacional y su relación con variables estructurales y el bienestar de los trabajadores: análisis desde un modelo de organizaciones saludables Thesis

short description

  • Master's thesis

Thesis author

  • Ardila Becerra, Adriana
  • Pineda Castro, Carolina


  • Employee’s wellbeing is a key organizational factor, for both ethical and competitiveness reasons. Therefore, the appearance of workers’ wellbeing-promoting organizations or healthy workplaces has become an organizational challenge and an interest area for academic research. This article describes the relationship among a set of organizational factors and their impact on the wellbeing of a group of workers, in terms of engagement, job satisfaction, and job-related anxiety. The hypothesized relationships were tested by using a structural equations model. The findings show that organizational actions for health promotion have a significant impact on both cultural values and the adoption of organizational practices.

publication date

  • 2013-10-25


  • cultural values
  • engagement
  • healthy organizational practices
  • job-related anxiety
  • organizational health promotion
  • wellbeing

Document Id

  • eafd88f1-187e-4f63-b791-223249f29ca0