Implementación de un cluster de papa en la región de Machetá Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Jiménez Siachoque, Ricardo David
  • Puerta Pinzón, Carlos Andrés


  • The main purpose is based on the analysis of the viability by implementing a potatoes cluster, because of the studies wish shows the importance of the product for the region by the time the product is established as the main crop in the agricultural sector. However, the participation of the product is located in the last position within the Almeidas Province, reflecting the weal management of the sought resources for cultivation. Finally, it’s proposed the implementation of the Methodology of Logical Framework to schematize in detail the activities that could encourage the importance of this project, in order to promote a systemic regional development.

publication date

  • 2012-06-20


  • Cluster

Document Id

  • edf4d8bc-30e6-40a1-8038-cedf1d78ea0e