Las Ciencias Sociales Colombianas, un gran salto de transformación: De una ciencia social “oficial” a la crítica audaz por parte de las ciencias sociales Thesis

short description

  • Undergraduate thesis

Thesis author

  • Fuentes, Laura catalina


  • Since the 19th century, Colombia has experienced a number of conflicts which have changed actors and circumstances. Once reached the 20th century, conflicts rather than decreasing, have increased; so it is not surprising that the period of “La Violencia” (The Violence) has been one of the most violent and bloody of the country's recent history periods. Amid these problems, the National Front emerged, a political pact between the most important political parties in the country, the Conservative and Liberal. Amidst all these changes the Historical Commission of 1958 came up, which claimed the reason of “La Violencia”. Once this committee ended, a book with all the information gathered in the investigation is created. This book,“La Violencia en Colombia” (Violence in Colombia), became an event of great importance for colombian society, because it was a refreshing research for the Social Sciences, not only by the volume of information contained but because of the sociological theories used that were unseen in Colombia, it really transformed the Social Sciences and marked a before and after for these studies. Consequently, the book opened the path for studies of violence and the consolidation on violentology as a field of study, which brought positive and negative consequences for social sciences in general.

publication date

  • 2015-06-05


  • Colombia 20th century
  • Historical Commission
  • Social Sciences
  • Sociological Theories
  • Violence
  • the National Front

Document Id

  • f036a403-6f49-4412-9182-064264787144